The Jesuit [Digital] Guide to Almost Everything
Deepen your spiritual life by exploring the following Ignatian digital resources designed for building the Kingdom of God.
“We go to prayer to be transfigured ourselves, to come to see the world as God sees the world, to practice the presence of God, to put on a heart of justice, of love, and of compassion for others.”
Ignatian Prayer Resources
Pray-As-You-Go is a daily prayer session, designed to go with you wherever you go, to help you pray whenever you find time, but particularly whilst traveling to and from work, study, etc. Lasting between ten and thirteen minutes, it combines music, scripture and some questions for reflection. The style of prayer is based on Ignatian Spirituality and produced by Jesuit Media Initiatives, with material written by a number of Jesuits, both in Britain and further afield, and other experts in the spirituality of St Ignatius of Loyola.
Download on Apple Store or Google Play
www.IgnatianSpirituality.COM is a service of Loyola Press, a ministry of the Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). It offers information on and experiences of Ignatian spirituality from Jesuit and Ignatian sources around the world. serves all audiences—the curious, the knowledgeable, and the expert. Provides pathways into the major areas of Ignatian spirituality:
Spiritual Direction
Making Good Decisions
Re-Imagining the Examen App
The Reimagining the Examen app offers a modern take on St. Ignatius’s 500-year-old prayer. Its Examens can be adapted to users’ particular needs and situations. The app is based on Fr. Mark Thibodeaux’s book, Reimagining the Ignatian Examen, which offers 34 adaptable versions of the Examen. Loyola Press created the app to complement the book. With soothing music and step-by-step guidance, users can choose from one of the themed Examens—picking the reflection that best fits their current state of being—or select the Examen of the day.
Download on Apple Store or Google Play
Jesuit Prayer provides a prayer experience for every day of the week. God pursues us in the routines of our home and work life, and in the hopes and fears of life's challenges. May this prayer site anchor your day and strengthen your resolve to remember what truly matters. In collaboration with The Magis Center for Catholic Spirituality, this site offers short daily reflections written by Jesuits and scholastics.
Download on Apple Store or Google Play
Sacred Space
Sacred Space is a ministry of the Irish Jesuits. The site originated in the offices of the Jesuit Communication Centre in Ireland in 1999. It might seem strange to pray at your computer, in front of a screen or using your smartphone, but this app helps uncover how God is already everywhere, all around us, constantly reaching out to us, even in the most unlikely situations. The logo's suggestion of movement, discovery, exploration, orientation and flowering are all associated with the enlightenment and prayer which Sacred Space seeks to sponsor.
Download on Apple Store or Google Play
3-Minute Retreats
3-Minute Retreats invite you to take a short prayer break right at your computer. Spend some quiet time reflecting on a Scripture passage. Knowing that not everyone prays at the same pace, you have control over the pace of the retreat. If you are new to online prayer, the basic timing of the screens will guide you through the experience.
Download on Apple Store or Google Play
“A common mistake we make is that we look for God in places where we ourselves wish to find him, yet even in the physical reality this is a complete failure. For example, if you lost your car keys, you would not search where you want to search, you would search where you must in order to find them.”
Pope’s Prayer Intentions for 2024
Distributed worldwide by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer), a Pontifical Society; its mission is to mobilize Catholics through prayer and action in response to the challenges facing humanity and the mission of the Church.
The Pope Video
The Pope Video is an official global initiative to disseminate the Holy Father’s Monthly Intentions.
Pope’s official ‘Click to Pray’ APP
The App that connects your prayer with the real world. Click to Pray is the app of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network. It connects you with thousands of people who, in all the continents, are praying every day to live and build a world which tastes of the Gospel.
Download on Apple Store or Google Play
Faith and Culture
What happens when Faith radically encounters our modern Culture? We learn to find God in all things
Faith Dimensions
Faith Dimensions is a website designed to bring together a community of faith in conversation. It aims to present a range of reflections, views, insights, thoughts, questions on any area of culture secular and religious from the perspective of faith. For the Society of Jesus, faith in Jesus Christ and service of the Church cannot be separated from the work of justice and the rights of the poor and marginalized in all societies. If the Kingdom of God is founded on faith in Jesus Christ, Lord and savior, it grows in the work of justice.
the jesuit post
The Jesuit Post offers a Jesuit, Catholic perspective on the contemporary world. It aims to show that faith is relevant to today’s culture and that God is already at work in it. TJP is a project of Jesuits in formation. Nearly all of the contributors are not-yet-ordained Jesuits studying theology or philosophy, or working in our Jesuit ministries. Several recently ordained Jesuits also contribute to our work. It is published by America Media, the home of America magazine.
Thinking Faith
Thinking Faith is the online journal of the Jesuits in Britain. Explore our website to find articles and reviews which will help you think about your faith and think, through your faith, about the world. Since 2008, Thinking Faith has been publishing articles that offer a faith-based perspective on contemporary issues and resources about the Catholic tradition. You will also find reviews of the latest film and book releases.
podcasts from america media
Podcasts from America Media offers professional quality podcasts on varied topics ranging from the Examen to Popular Culture, Sacred Scripture to Vatican News, AIDS to the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church. Do not be afraid to listen to how God works in the midst of our reality today. Also published by America Media, the home of America magazine.
Resources for Children & Youth
Explore the first ever official Catholic video game for kids from Loyola Press. Makes learning the faith a joyous experience.
Wanderlight is a new educational video game by Loyola Press. A role-playing game in the style of Nintendo classics such as Pokémon and The Legend of Zelda, Wanderlight is a crash course in Catholic doctrine, spirituality, and morality packaged into an engaging and delightfully designed video game.
U.S. Catholic Weekly Article: ‘Wanderlight’ brings Catholic education to the digital world
Faith Formation Programs (Grades K-8th)
The Faith Formation Program from Loyola Press serves the Catholic community by offering resources (both digital and print) that support children and the people who guide them.
Special Needs Programs (Ages 4 - Adult)
The Special Needs Program from Loyola Press stems from the belief that everyone has a right to catechesis. This is why Loyola Press has developed resources (both digital and print) for individuals with autism and other special needs.
BILINGUAL FAITH Program (Grades K-8th)
El Program Bilingüe de Fé de Loyola Press sirve a la comunidad católica ofreciendo recursos (en ediciones digitales e impresas) que apoyan los niños y las personas que los guían.
“Pedir conocimiento interno del Señor para imitarle y servirle más.”
Recursos Ignacianos en español
¿Deseas profundizar en tu vida espiritual y descubrir la voluntad de Dios? No te quedes en hacer la pregunta. Vívela.
Rezandovoy es un proyecto de la Compañía de Jesús de España. Es una sesión de oración diaria (inspirada en Prayasyougo) para acompañarle a uno donde sea. Las oraciones duran entre 10 a 13 minutos, combinando música, lecturas bíblicas y preguntas para reflexión basado en la espiritualidad Ignaciana. Su realización está coordinada por un equipo de la Oficina Digital del Grupo de Comunicación Loyola, INEA, la Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Agrícola de Valladolid y una inmensa red de voluntarios, hombres y mujeres de distintas edades, estados de vida y experiencia, que comparten su inspiración, ofrecen su voz, o convierten su canto en palabra viva.
Descarga en Apple Store o Google Play
portal de espiritualidad ignaciana
El Portal de Espiritualidad Ignaciana comenzó su andadura en 2012, con la inquietud por hacer presente la espiritualidad Ignaciana en internet. El grupo de jesuitas, laicos y religiosas que impulsó el proyecto siempre tuvo claro que hacía falta dar el salto al mundo digital. Pero había que hacerlo “al modo de Ignacio,” buscando ayudar desde el bien más universal. Trabajamos juntos para transmitir la espiritualidad Ignaciana con la mayor fidelidad y creatividad, haciendo de este portal un lugar de referencia y una herramienta de colaboración.
3-minutos de retiro
3-Minutos de Retiro te invita a tomar un descanso dedicado a la oración mientras estás enfrente de tu computadora. Toma una breve pausa para reflexionar en silencio sobre un pasaje bíblico. Como cada uno de nosotros ora a su ritmo, 3 minutos de retiro te permite controlar el ritmo del retiro.
Descarga en Apple Store o Google Play
re-descubrir el examen ignaciano app
Redescubrir el examen ignaciano app de Loyola Press sigue el ejemplo de San Ignacio, sabiendo que rezar el Examen nos llevará a una vida mejor. Este ejercicio diario de autoevaluación y reflexión con 500 años de antigüedad es uno de los principios fundamentales de la espiritualidad ignaciana. Adaptado del libro del P. Mark Thibodeaux, S.J., “Redescubrir el examen ignaciano” explora nuevas y singulares versiones del Examen, totalmente flexibles y adaptables a tu vida. En diez minutos puedes adaptar tu oración diaria a tus necesidades personales y a tu propia situación, mejorando y profundizando tu meditación.
Descarga en Apple Store o Google Play
Pastoralsj es un proyecto vinculado a la Compañía de Jesús. Realizado con la colaboración de un enorme equipo de gentes de Iglesia, buscamos acercarnos, con una mirada y una sensibilidad creyente, al mundo de hoy. Queremos hacer pensar, ayudar a creer, ser críticos, lúcidos y capaces de ofrecer espacios de diálogo y encuentro.
recursos ignacianos de xavier university
Los Recursos Ignacianos en español compilados por Xavier University incluyen:
Glosarios de términos Ignacianos y Jesuíticos
Documentos sobre la educación Jesuita y pedagogía Ignaciana
Enlaces externos sobre diferentes temas de espiritualidad Ignaciana
Información sobre universidades/colegios Jesuitas de las Americas
Un Retiro Online por Creighton University
“Un Retiro Online” es un retiro de 34 semanas para la vida cotidiana patrocinado por la Oficina de Ministerios Colaborativos en la Universidad de Creighton. Esta versión de los Ejercicios Espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola en medio de la vida cotidiana posibilitan que muchos podamos crecer en nuestra relación con Dios y en libertad espiritual. Este retiro “online” nos ofrece la oportunidad de chequear este sitio cada semana y recibir ciertas guías para nuestro retiro. Podemos imprimir las páginas semanales y revisarlas cada semana. Y como será “una semana a la vez,” todo lo que tenemos que hacer es aprovechar la Guía semanal, con sus opciones y ejercicios.
El Camino del Corazón
A partir de este momento ingresas al itinerario de formación llamado: El Camino del Corazón. Una experiencia renovada para vivir el Apostolado de la Oración. Con este itinerario te invitamos a que atiendas el llamado del Papa Francisco a salir de la globalización de la indiferencia y entrar en una misión de compasión por el mundo
Ignatian Book Recommendations
Former Superior General, Fr. Adolfo Nicolás, SJ suggested that Jesuits (and I would add ‘Ignatian collaborators’), should smell of three things: “sheep, libraries and the future.” By library, he did not mean a place to hide from the world, but rather a means of learning from the wisdom which books (and our human heritage) provide for reading the “signs of the times” today.
Traditional Catholic Prayers
CaTholic Mass Online
CatholicTV Mass Online (English and Spanish) - The Second Vatican Council called the Eucharist “the source and summit of the Christian life.” For Catholics, the Mass is the central act of worship. It is the eucharistic sacrifice in which Catholics (and Eastern Orthodox churches) believe that bread and wine are really and truly transformed into Christ’s body and blood and then shared among those assembled to build the Kingdom of God in the world. NOTE: When watching the televised Mass we certainly hear God's Word and can be inspired to pray, but nothing can replace physically participating in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and receiving the Lord's precious Body and Blood in the Eucharist.
Eucharistic Adoration ONLINE
Perpetual Adoration (Tyburn Convent, London) - We can show our adoration to God in many ways, but in Eucharistic Adoration, we spend time adoring the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that, “Adoration is the first attitude of man acknowledging that he is a creature before his Creator. It exalts the greatness of the Lord who made us and the almighty power of the Savior who sets us free from evil. Adoration is homage of the spirit to the “King of Glory,” respectful silence in the presence of the “ever greater” God. Adoration of the thrice-holy and sovereign God of love blends with humility and gives assurance to our supplications” (CCC 2628).
Ignatian Communities & Movements
AgrupaciÓn Católica Universitaria (ACU)
The Agrupación Católica Universitaria (ACU) is a Marian Congregation whose spirituality is based on Jesuit formation principles and a strong Marian reflection. For nearly 100 years, the men at the ACU strive to live three guiding principles: Spirituality, Professionalism, and Apostolate. The ACU left Havana in the 1960's and founded Chapters in Miami, Atlanta, San Juan, and Washington DC. The motto: “Forming Professional Catholic Men as Leaders for the Propagation of the Faith.”
The Christian Life Community (CLC / CVX)
The Christian Life Community is an international association of Christians: men and women, adults and young people, of all social conditions, who want to follow Jesus Christ more closely and work with Him for the building of the Kingdom. Members make up small groups, which are part of larger communities organized regionally and nationally, all forming ONE World Community. CLC is present in all five continents, in more than sixty countries.
The Eucharistic Youth Movement (EYM)
The Eucharistic Youth Movement (EYM) is an International Movement for the Christian formation of children and young people from 5 to 25 years old. EYM invites young people around the world to live in Jesus’ way, in a heart-to-heart relationship of friendship with him, based on a Eucharistic spirituality for the mission. It is founded on the pedagogy of the Emmaus disciples: Gospel, Eucharist and Mission. The Way of the Heart is its wellspring. It is the youth branch of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network.
The Ignatian Year 2021-2022
BegUn on May 20th, 2021 (Cannonball Day) — 500 years since the Conversion of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
God continues to invite each of us into a deepening relationship, to ongoing conversion. We believe that by embracing this invitation, we embrace our God who calls us to act in new, bold ways that reconcile our world, bringing about justice, peace and compassion. For this Ignatian Year, we ask for the grace TO SEE ALL THINGS NEW IN CHRIST.