Prayer & Action Resources: Year of St. Joseph 2020-2021
Proclaimed by Pope Francis on December 8, 2020 - December 8, 2021
“Perhaps the result of a newly found devotion to St. Joseph will be a great harvest of vocations… growing from the floors of factories, garages, yards and workshops. And, since little things sometimes have big results, it is to be hoped that the statues and pictures of St. Joseph in our churches will at last lose the stiff pose that legend gave to them; and show instead the holy workman engaged in his human job, the faithful husband who rejoiced in his wife’s love, the father who brought up and trained the Incarnate Son of God.”
What is the Year of St. Joseph?
Angelus of St. Joseph
V. The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream.
R. ”Joseph, Son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary, your wife, into your home.”
Read Pope Francis’s Apostolic Letter
“Patris Corde” on the 150th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church (WORTH A READ!)
Study Resources
Book: Fr. Henri Rondet, S.J.’s “St. Joseph” Book (1956) - Regarded as one of the most helpful books on the life of St. Joseph.
Sermon: On Feast of Saint Joseph “Guard What Has Been Entrusted To You” by Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet (1627-1704)
Homily (Very Short): St. Paul VI “On the Holy Family” (1964) given in Nazareth on Silence, Family Life and Work
Different Popes’ Magisterial Writings on St. Joseph throughout History
The Year of St. Joseph: Five Essential Lessons for Humanity
During the Year of Saint Joseph, what does this silent saint have to teach our hurting and divided world? Michael Martinez SJ reflects on five of his important lessons for us today.
Explaining the Faith: Why We Need St. Joseph
V. “For that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.”
R. “And she shall bring forth a son.”
St. Joseph Prayer Resources
Official USCCB ‘Year of St. Joseph’ Website
The USCCB offers the following resources, catechetical material, and prayers/devotions to assist in your celebration of the special year.
Other Spiritual Resources
List of Ignatian Spirituality Resources
Apostolic Decree on Indulgences for Year of St. Joseph: Can be applied any day of the year, and with special attention to March 19, May 1st, the 19th of every month and every Wednesday from Dec. 8th, 2020 - Dec. 8th, 2021.
15 Ways to Gain an Indulgence & Daily Indulgenced St. Joseph Prayer
List of Prayers to St. Joseph and More
Highly Recommended Devotions:
Blessings of St. Joseph's Table
On the Solemnity of St. Joseph, it is the custom in some places to bless bread, pastries, and other food and give a large portion of it to the poor.
Praying with Joseph in Scripture
The Scriptural Mysteries of St. Joseph
Betrothal of Mary and Joseph: Matthew 1:18
Annunciation to Joseph: Matthew 1:19-21
Joseph takes Mary as his wife: Matthew 1:22-25
Birth of Jesus: Luke 2:3-7, 15-16
Circumcision and Naming of Jesus: Luke 2:21
Presentation of Jesus: Luke 2:22-40
Escape into Egypt: Matthew 2:13-15
Finding of Jesus in the Temple: Luke 2:41-50
Hidden Life of Nazareth: Luke 2:51-52
Dare to Dream like St. Joseph?
“We are not asked to be flawless, but to keep growing and wanting to grow as we advance along the path of the Gospel; our arms must never grow slack.”
Four Dreams of Joseph
First Dream: Matthew 1:20-21
Second Dream: Matthew 2:13
Third Dream: Matthew 2:19-20
Fourth Dream: Matthew 2:22-23
Available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and More
Cinco congregaciones religiosas en concierto: “Soñando juntos nuestra vocación"
La Iglesia Católica celebró el 25 de abril la fiesta del Buen Pastor y la 58 Jornada mundial de oración por las vocaciones. Los escolares jesuitas del Filosofado San Pedro Claver de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, animados por el Espíritu del Señor, se propusieron agrupar, en un mismo corazón y una misma misión artística, a cinco de las comunidades religiosas que tienen obras en la Arquidiócesis de Santo Domingo para ofrecer un concierto: Compañía de Jesús - Jesuitas, Hermanas Misioneras del Corazón de Jesús, Instituto de las Hijas de María Auxiliadora, Instituto Religioso Hijas de María Santísima, Instituto Hermanas Hijas de La Altagracia.
Lea más detalles sobre el evento con Vatican News - Español
St. Joseph Multimedia Resources
Saint Joseph (4-Part Reflection Series)
Join Dr. Ben Akers and Taylor Kemp in this Year of St. Joseph as they discuss his Old Testament prefigurement, his role in the life of the Church, and his importance for the family today.
Joseph of Nazareth: The Story of the Man Closest to Christ
The first feature film ever on the story of St. Joseph, who was a carpenter, the husband of Mary, and the foster father of Jesus Christ. This film uses creative license in telling the story of St. Joseph. Parental guidance is suggested.
Additional FORMED Content on the Life of St. Joseph
This year the Church is encouraging all the faithful to go to St. Joseph in a special way and to recognize him as our universal patron. Increase devotion to this incredible saint through the many resources available on FORMED.ORG.
How to Receive Special Indulgences during Year of St. Joseph
Year of St. Joseph Indulgences Explained
The following is a summary of how you can receive the special indulgences granted by the Holy See for the Year of St. Joseph.
V. “And you shall call his name Jesus.”
R. “Because He is the one who is to save his people from their sins.”
Consecrations to St. Joseph
I actually did this same 33-day Consecration to St. Joseph on November 1, 2020. I highly recommend the experience as a time to get to know St. Joseph (and thus the Lord and yourself) more deeply. Little did I know that about a month later, Pope Francis would declare it the Year of St. Joseph on December 8, 2020.
Learn More about this Powerful 33-Day Prayer
Article: Why a New Consecration to St. Joseph is Spreading like Wildfire
Book: The Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father by Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
The School of Nazareth: A 30-Day Spiritual Journey with St. Joseph
There is a beautiful tradition in the Church that St. Joseph lived on the Earth with Jesus and Mary for thirty years. Thirty years to adore the face of Our Lord and Savior, thirty years to contemplate the mystery of the Incarnation, and thirty years to be a true father. Joseph experienced a life that no man in history can parallel. Joseph knew Jesus and Mary intimately. Not only that, in many mysterious ways, he led them. Join St. Joseph for this 30-day journey and you will discover how to become a man after God's own heart!
"The Holy Family is the beginning of countless other holy families."
— St. Pope John Paul II
Why St. Joseph is the Saint We Need in 2021
V. Pray for us, O virgin father of Jesus.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
2020 was the Year of Big Capital. With St. Joseph, Let’s Make 2021 the Year of The Worker.
Instead of concentration of ownership in the hands of a few, Catholic Social Teaching envisions workers having common possession with capitalists over the enterprises at which they work. Is this possible?
Action Resources
Want to live this call to justice alongside St. Joseph the Worker?
The What: Live Matthew 25 Both Socially (Corporal Works of Mercy) and Spiritually (Spiritual Works of Mercy)
The Where: Create a more Just and Kingdom-Oriented Economy Today
The How: Use some of the Tools and Resources at hand for the mission, provided by the Ignatian Solidarity Network
The When: The United Nations’ 17 Global Goals, were developed in 2015 for a better future in 2030. You can take the following Concrete Steps today.
Other Topics of Interest from the USCCB for Taking Action Today.
Mass Readings for St. Joseph the Worker and other USCCB Resources for Feast (May 1st).